Fight for Change

Kim Paget Director at HY-SCAFF Scaffolding services has always believed in supporting ex-offenders and those from disadvantaged back grounds. coming from Bermondsey South East London Fight4change is held very close to her heart. Kim has worked closely with young people who without support, could possibly have stayed or even taken the wrong path.

HY-SCAFF ensure our company leave a lasting legacy on projects we are involved with.  Corporate  responsibility within our company is extremely important and HY-SCAFF are proud to announce Kim has now become a trustee of fight4change. HY-SCAFF believe with the right employment strategy ex-offenders and those at risk of offending should be supported into gaining employment within the construction Industry by way of retraining and achieving a sustainable qualification. Kim Paget has worked with with one of the uks largest developers in implementing an extremely successful employment strategy rolling it out across 7 London boroughs. HY-SCAFF are always happy to assist the Developer and Main Contractor with regards CR and supporting fight4change.

Fight 4 Change is a registered Sport for Development charity, using sport to inspire and educate young people and adults to make a positive change in their lives. Our programmes use a range of sports including boxing, martial arts multi sports and fitness training to support, mentor and progress marginalised young people since 2009.

Our theory of change incorporates our specific methodology and evaluation process to promote social change. This allows us to create an honest picture of the steps required to reach our long-term goals.

We use sport and physical activity as the tool and catalyst for positive change, with impact on the young person occurring through every one of our 5 stages.

  • Empowerment – inspire and motivate
  • Physical activity/sport – the hook
  • Education – up skilling and tool kits
  • Mentoring – guidance
  • Progression – job opportunities, higher educations, apprenticeships

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